About Me
As a child growing up in the heart of South Los Angeles, I never imagined I would be where I am today. For I grew up with some insidious intrinsic conditions such as chronic depression and low self-esteem, which all caused me great anguish. For years I tried in my own power to fight the pain. And to no avail, year after year I continued to feel worthless. Until one day, I got fed up and started to not only listen to God, but believe God. You see for years God was telling me that I was going to one day be successful, and that I was supposed to be a catalytic agent used by God to catapult women out of depression, low self-esteem, and financial lack, into a place of confidence and financial empowerment, but because of my doubt and trepidation I didn’t believe God.
I remember the season, when I began to believe Him. It was the day when God had me embark on my, what I like to call, “Esther Preparation Journey”. Please allow me to keep it real, the journey was not easy! During my journey, God revealed to me some things in me that needed to die, but He also revealed to me my worth, value, and purpose. During and after my journey several friends and family members, of whom have seen me in my darkest hour, commented on my new joyful nature and confidence.
I am not saying that I am perfect, but what I am saying is that I am now whole and walking in purpose!
The spiritual transformation that I have undergone has been both extraordinary and palpable. As a byproduct of my transformation I am finally joyful, confident, a financial steward, and walking in divine purpose.
Who would have thought after suffering countless days of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem, I would go on to have not one, but three degrees, have a career I love, be a leader of a women’s discipleship group, be an author, start my own business, and my favorite, walk in purpose! The great news is, God has a wonderful plan and purpose for you too!
Be Empowered
Who told you that you weren't beautiful? Who told you that you couldn't be successful? Who told you that you couldn't start that new business? Who told you that you couldn't be happy and live an extraordinary life?
Often times, we don't love ourselves and/or receive the things that we desire, not because we can't, but because we lack the confidence and tools needed to be successful.
So, I'm here to remind you who you are in Christ, and give you some tools to help you build your confidence so you can be a powerful, influential, confident, and yes, an EMPOWERED child of God!
It's time to love yourself, and it's time to build the confidence you'll need in order to walk in purpose, financial prosperity, and live the life God intended you to live!!!
It's time to be EMPOWERED!!!
You can feel beautiful! You can overcome low-esteem and depression! You can walk in purpose! And yes, you can be financially free! And I'm here to encourage you along the way.
The Empowerment Blog was created to build your confidence and to encourage you along this journey. Feel free to stop by anytime to read and share with your friends and family any of the blog posts. I’m also in the process of completing two powerful courses, both of which will totally encourage you and guide you along your wealth journey. Additionally, I’m excited to announce, that in addition to my prayer book and devotional Becoming a Confident Woman, I have a new Course coming out soon. It is a resource and guide that is geared specifically to helping you leverage biblical principles to multiply your money and raise capital for kingdom projects.
In short, I created this website to encourage you, empower you, and give you the tools that transformed my life.
Like God told Esther, I am here to tell you, "Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created." And like Esther, God is calling you today (yes beloved, today), to prepare for your calling. So do not fear, for God is with you.
Together, with God’s love and grace, we’ll prepare you to live a joyful and empowered life one daring and powerful step at a time!
With immense love,
Dr. Shannon Verrett
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
-1 Peter 2:9
You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way. - Songs of Songs 4:7