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Shout out to Prophetess Maggy from Revelation Church in Simi Valley, CA. She gave a profound word on August 2, 2022, regarding our calling. She began by differentiating between our skills, talents, gifts, and our calling. She essentially stated that we should be using our God given gifts to complete the calling on our lives. Before I go deeper into this word. Let’s define a “calling”.

The word "call" is frequently used in the Bible to describe God's endeavor to lead people to Christ and to join in with His redeeming work in the world. So, a calling from God simply is the means in which you are to draw people to Christ. Now callings from God are to produce power. The power to deliver, the power to produce wealth, and most importantly, the power to give God glory.

In the past, my God-given abilities were often used by me to launch ventures that I believed were in line with God's calling. However, I soon found out that these ventures were not producing any power because these ventures were not a part of God's intention for me. For instance, 10 years ago I established a charity to assist children in need, but I noticed that I constantly found myself limited by obstacles and budgetary constraints, and frankly, the organization never expanded to the extent that I had envisioned. Don’t get me wrong, I know that helping children is indeed a very noble act, but God never instructed me to start that charity, despite the fact that my heart was in the right place. And therefore, that charity did not produce power.

I have a hundred stories like this, in which I start a business, or start a new project, later to realize that the ventures weren’t really producing power. In retrospect, I started these ventures simply because I thought that they would please God and make me money.

Ultimately, I finally got to a place where I just became absolutely tired. Tired of creating, developing, and producing and nothing spiritually came out of it. After having an epiphany, I told the Lord that I did not want to make one more video, or apply to one more job, or create any more businesses without His approval. The projects that I now produce are from God. And as a result, I can honestly say that I have so much more peace. And the high level of anxiety that I used to carry is completely gone.

I say all this to say, you cannot afford to go one more day without God’s guidance regarding the call on your life. In Matthew 6:33, the Bible instructs us to seek first the Kingdom of God, and then all other things will be added to us. This means that we should seek God's throne, and His guidance regarding the God ordained call on our life first. Then, and only then, will peace, direction, money, and of course, power be added to you and upon your business.

In the end, God wants you to have both financial prosperity and power, but God wants you to be in a place of full submission to His will first. In that place He will pour His wisdom and His strength into you. And He will give you the grace and the mercy to complete the calling that He has ordained over your life. When you submit to God’s calling, you will produce great power. The type of power that will give God glory!

Dr. Shannon

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